My name is Ashley Robles and I am 14 years old. I am a swimmer and I live with my mom, dad, two sisters, niece, and dog. I just graduated from Lincoln Middle school in Berwyn.
What are the beautiful qualities within you that make you unique?
I think what makes me unique is that I don’t care much for what is seen as “cool” or “in”. If everyone goes left I go right. If everyone wears purple I wear yellow. If no one speaks out I will. A quote I live by is, “ Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.” I am very lucky to be able to comfortably be able to express myself in any way.
Tell us how the Dragonfly Girls experience was for you.
The Dragonfly girls experience was absolutely amazing! I learned so much and took in many valuable life lessons. I was able to bond with other girls my age which helped us realize that we all share many fears and struggles at our age. During Dragonfly Girls we covered many topics that usually girls our age are afraid to talk about and are rarely brought to the light. We were able to have open discussions and not be judged. Dragonfly girls created a very safe and comfortable environment.
What did you get out of it?
That it’s okay to get stressed but it is important to be able to relax and not always be worried about everything. Something that was said really stuck with me and it is that everyone wants to be at the top of the mountain but we forget that at the top of the mountain there is no where else to go and the air is thin. Although we always want to be at the top it’s okay to be at the bottom, or in the valley – where you can go up and you can breath. This will always stick with me. Something else that truly captivated me was, “Go where you are celebrated not tolerated.” This was a quote I have never heard but I really liked it because it made me realize that at times we need to realize who our real friends or our Tribe are who will love us for us and enjoy our presence.
What are some of the hard things that you face as a teenager?
It’s been said many times that being a teenager is hard and I agree one hundred percent. 2018 has been challenging for me. Going to school with hundreds of other kids with phones is very difficult. With social media comes not only positives but many many negatives. Your mistakes are sure to be on social media. Every move you make can be seen by the whole school. People can hide behind screens to tear you apart. Bullying and emotional damage can be done and you can be the only one who sees it. Your parents aren’t fully aware. Social media was invented for “positive connections” but in reality can make us feel lonelier than ever.
Who do you turn to in challenging times?
When I am going through hardships or struggles and feel like giving up I turn to my friends, family, and teammates. I am very lucky to have the people I have in my life. Dragonfly Girls helped me realize my true tribe and I know I can count on them for anything. With them, “I am celebrated not tolerated”. My family will always be with me because they truly know me and my friends are the best because they truly care for me and I care for them in the same way.
Who inspires you?
Someone who inspires me is the amazing Malala. Malala is a strong and incredible woman who speaks for woman’s rights to go to school. She inspires me because one of my biggest life goals is to build schools in other countries. Malala inspires me stick up for my rights and not be afraid to speak up and disagree with things. Malala is a strong powerful woman who strives to be better and I really look up to her.