The Power of the Sisterhood

My Facebook newsfeed is filled with articles written about love – finding the one and only soul mate, falling in love, the qualities of a good man, marriage, cheaters, heartache and break ups.

I believe that life is full of soul mates who come into your life at different moments in your journey – each one bringing a gift according to your needs in that moment. The strongest soul connections I have in my life are those with my tribe of girlfriends. As a single girl taking a break from being in a relationship I am more aware than ever of the love that surrounds me.

I write about the deepest kind of love with no attachments or contracts. The kind of love that stays together simply because hearts are drawn and spirits shine a little brighter because of each other. A love where distance doesn’t play a factor and communication isn’t required everyday. Where it’s ok to need a break or take some space without it creating a wall of uncertainty or insecurity.

A love that supports, listens, cries, dances and brings tequila and wine just at the right time. No judgment, no expectations, no rules, no secrets. A love that leaves you bursting with gratitude for these soul mates that you couldn’t live without.

A love that’s free and not exclusive, but instead encourages multiple love affairs with others. The more the merrier – share that love sista!! There’s no jealousy or ownership rights – just open hearts and trust. A union that requires you to remain standing on your own two feet, where there’s no room for dependency or a crazy notion of completing each other.

Find your tribe of soul sisters who nourish, inspire and lift you up. Nurture and cherish these friendships – this beautiful, uncomplicated, pure form of divine love that always has your back.




Julie Feuerheerdt